Thursday, January 7, 2010

VLCD19 -.4

So I missed a couple days of posting. This morning I weighed in at 164.8..I finally got away from 165. I am just hoping for a bigger lose in the morning. I have been following the protocol to the T and just guess my body needs to caught up. I have enough hcg for another 20 injection and planning on starting to skip a day when I remix soon. I really want to be at atleast 150 when this round is over. I really wish I could good lower but since the slow down I don't know if that will happen! Everyone cross your fingers for me!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so great!! I am hoping to get to 150, also. That was my original goal. Having been 245 at my heaviest, I always thought it would be impossible!! But I'm learning hCG really is a miracle if we work it right!! I hope you get down to 150 in the next 20 days!
